Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Holiday Eating

Happy Tuesday y'all. I am getting over the WORST case of food poisoning I think I've ever had. On the bright side, I think I found the secret to quick weight loss… just eat contaminated food!

On another note, I'm happy to say that I have officially gone into business with a good friend and we are busy getting everything in line for the new year. More on that as things unfold. The good news is I'm now in a position where I can start taking on clients. So, if you're interested in digging a little deeper into your diet message me, email me, text me. I have a pricing list I can send you and would be more than happy to go over your options.

One more item of business then on to the post. Thank you so much for all of your feed back! I love all the questions and blog suggestions and post requests I've been getting. Now that we have covered the basics I plan on addressing a lot of the questions I have been receiving. I thought I would start with holiday eating since later this week is one of the biggest days of eating of the year. If you have a topic you want me to hit on just let me know.  Ladies, I'm planning on hitting on pregnancy later this week… or next week, after my food coma has subsided.

Okay, so…. holiday eating. I know there is a lot of info and tips and tricks out there when it comes to this subject. I figure I'll give you my take on it. I collaborated a little with my new partner Michelle… these are pretty typically the rules we stick to ourselves. So here's a list of our top 10 rules for holiday eating. I'll list them and then break them down.

Top 10 Rules of Holiday Eating

1. Limit your portion sizes by using a smaller plate

2. Don't go crazy on the appetizers

3. Limit your alcohol consumption

4. Wait 10-15 minutes before going back for seconds (or thirds!)

5. Don't keep junk in your house… there will be plenty of goodies at the office and parties you attend

6. Try revamping your favorite dishes using healthier ingredients

7. Don't starve yourself the day of a party or holiday meal

8. Bring a healthy option to the potluck or party, let everyone else bring the junk!

9. Don't beat yourself up if you over indulge in a meal, just make the next meal a lighter one

10. Don't wait for the new year… make time for working out now

Now for the break down. I'm human guys, I love indulging in some pumpkin pie and anything chocolate just as much as the next guy… but I promise it is possible to get through the holidays without packing on a bunch of extra pounds. Let's start with rule #1. We eat with our eyes. I don't know about you, but when there's still food on my plate I feel obligated to eat it. I was always president of the clean plate club. How do we solve this problem? A smaller plate! Yep, easy solution. It forces your portions to be smaller and your eyes see an empty plate which your brain relates to being full. Easy. Here's a good trick on what the food on your plate should look like. I know it's hard to stick to this when there's so many yummy options to choose from, but do your best.

Don't go crazy on the appetizers. It's so easy to pack on the calories with finger foods. They're so easy to eat that before you know it you've eaten your entire calorie allotment for the day before dinner is even served. Along with this… watch your alcohol consumption. Actually, just watch any liquid consumption that isn't water, in the end they all equal calories.

Wait before you go back for seconds or thirds. I learned this rule working with kids. Sometimes it takes a few minutes for our stomachs to communicate with our brains and tell us we're full. We've all been there… you know the "I'm so full you're gonna have to roll me out of this restaurant" feeling?! That happened because your stomach was full but you didn't give it enough time to tell your brain before you shoved more food in your mouth. So, wait 10-15 minutes before going back for more. If you're still hungry, eat. If not, don't eat.

Don't keep junk in your house! I think this one is pretty self explanatory. There will be enough to indulge in everywhere you go during the holidays. Don't make it harder on yourself by keeping things in your house that are just going to make the battle of the buldge harder on yourself. And on that note, be the person that brings something healthy to that potluck. Yeah, I know it's boring… but honestly you might be surprised how many people appreciate healthier dish when all there is to chose from is sugar, sugar, and more sugar. We can even tie rule six into this. There are so many ways to make recipes healthier without anyone even knowing you changed it up on them. Google it… you can use things like greek yogurt, avocado, and apple sauce as healthier baking alternatives. In my house we use Earth Balance… it's a plant based "butter" that tastes just as good as the real thing to me and is actually good for you.

I remember when I was little not wanting to eat breakfast the day of Thanksgiving in anticipation for the big meal. Big mistake. This is just going to cause you to overindulge more… and you'll probably even see a tummy ache in your future. Eat throughout the day. Even if it's something small. Same goes for before a party. Eat a snack, something light before you go. If nothing else, you can guarantee you won't be the weirdo drooling at the buffet line. You're welcome.

Working out. Don't kill me for this one guys. I know everyone has an excuse not to. But honestly, just do it. I look at it this way, if it means that I can have the extra piece of pumpkin pie then I'm in. My husband and I already have a date set with our trainer for Wednesday night. We are gonna get our booties kicked before we stuff ourselves with all kinds of yummy goodness.

Last, but not least. Be realistic. The holidays might not be the season to lose weight, you might even gain a couple of pounds. But guess what, that's okay. Don't beat yourself up. Take those couple of pounds and use them as motivation, they don't have to turn into a couple more pounds. If you overindulge, oh well. Try again at the next party. I hate seeing people (cough, cough ladies) beating themselves up over their weight. Stop it! Do your best to maintain, but be your biggest fan, not your biggest critic. Balance, remember?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy the time with your families this week. I don't know about you, but I have a LOT to be thankful for this year.



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